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The business consulting, risk management, information technology and cybersecurity experts at JAS Advisors are available to provide expert commentary on any and all issues related to information protection and security.
We’re active on the front end of many of these fast-moving stories, always have a unique and fresh perspective, and enjoy assisting members of the media to translate the arcane into the understandable.
Get in touch with us by reaching out to our PR firm, Walker Sands Communications. Email them at To ensure a helpful response, please describe the story you are working on, what you are looking for and your deadline.
JAS Global Advisors In the News
Here are a few recent samples of media articles and interviews featuring JAS experts.

Government officials are working to revise the Wassenaar Agreement regulation, which sets limits on dual-use items like cybersecurity software. JAS Global Advisors Founder Jeff Schmidt sat down with Tim Starks of Politico to discuss how the need to revise the regulation could impact the 2016 presidential campaign, including the issues candidates need to address. Read more here.

Keeper, a Chicago-based password security and data storage app provider, signed a deal with Samsung,
the world’s largest phone manufacturer, to begin preloading Keeper on the company’s mobile devices.
Jeff Schmidt, founder of JAS Global Advisors, discusses the security benefits of apps like Keeper. Click here to read more.

In Q4 2015, credit services provider Experian was the victim of a data security breach, compromising the personal information of more than 15 million T-Mobile customers. JAS Global Advisors’ founder, Jeff Schmidt, discusses what makes Experian a target for wide-scale attacks, and how the company can ramp up security standards. Read more here.

En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM) is a part of the FAA’s endeavor to convert its flight-tracking system to a satellite-based model. But when it went down for several hours, grounding flights and stranding passengers, the complications of managing large-scale systems were exposed. JAS Global Advisors founder Jeff Schmidt sat down with The Hill to discuss the ripple effect when one part of a complex system collapses. Read more here.

After BitPay was hacked in 2014, the company attempted to file an insurance claim with the Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company (MBIC). The claim, however, was rejected on the grounds that the hack targeted a BitPay business partner, and not the company itself. Jeff Schmidt, founder and CEO of JAS Global Advisors discusses the importance of companies fully understanding what elements are covered under a risk management policy. Click here to read more.

When United Airlines’ computer system experienced a glitch that caused flights to be grounded across major cities, many believed it was the work of Chinese hackers. As airlines become increasingly reliant on technology, the threat of cybersecurity breaches only increases. Jeff Schmidt of JAS Global Advisors spoke with Compliance Week regarding the complexity of airline technology and the security risks associated. Click here to read more.

The OPM breach in July 2015 compromised sensitive data of millions of government employees, such as social security numbers. It was later revealed that 5.6 million fingerprints were also stolen in the breach. Founder and CEO of JAS Global Advisors, Jeff Schmidt, discusses the long-term problems that occur when irrevocable data is stolen, such as biometrics, with Enterprise Tech. Read the full story here.

Cyberattacks on airlines have been detrimental in recent months, causing ground delays and jeopardizing customer information. Jeff Schmidt, founder and CEO of JAS Global Advisors tells The Hill how these attacks affect national security, and why lawmakers need to consider a cybersecurity bill to protect U.S. companies. Read the full story here.

Recent cybersecurity attacks have received a lot of media attention – and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Founder and CEO of JAS Global Advisors Jeff Schmidt discusses how media exposure contributes to finding a fix for bugs and other vulnerabilities. Click here to read more.

Early this summer, United Airlines detected a breach in its system, which reports suggest originated from the same China-based hackers responsible for the attack on the Office of Personnel Management. CRN’s Sarah Kuranda sat down with JAS Global Advisors CEO Jeff Schmidt to understand why hackers target companies like United. Read more here.

Outages at The New York Stock Exchange, United Airlines and The Wall Street Journal sparked concerns surrounding the vulnerability of these complex systems to potential cybersecurity threats. JAS founder Jeff Schmidt spoke to the L.A. Times regarding the security failures faced by even the most sophisticated technology. […]

Ben DiPietro at The Wall Street Journal’s Morning Risk Report investigates how much accountability falls to state and government agencies that are victims of state sponsored attacks. Who pays for resulting loss and damage? At what point do state agencies step in? JAS Global Advisors founder and CEO Jeff Schmidt answers these question, and more. […]

Jeff Schmidt talks with Benzinga regarding the recent uptick in cyber security attacks, and the three most common types of hackers responsible for cyber security breaches – as well as who is responsible for protecting information online. […]

Looking for some practical tips on information security? Network World sat down with JAS Global Advisors founder Jeff Schmidt to glean insights from his over a dozen years of experience in the IT security sector. […]

The wearable tech trend is on the rise, with several industries adopting the technology to streamline workforce processes. But wearable tech can be just as vulnerable to data threats as traditional systems. Read on to learn more from Jeff Schmidt about what companies should be aware of before leveraging wearable technology.

Jeff Schmidt, founder of cybersecurity firm JAS Global Advisors, discusses how many companies experience “vulnerability fatigue,” and the importance of handling computer vulnerabilities immediately as they appear. […]

Microsoft platforms have been at the heart of some of the biggest cyberattacks over the past year. Security officers, CIOs and IT departments have worked endlessly to repair these weaknesses within Microsoft’s systems. Former Microsoft security team member and founder of JAS Global Advisors Jeff Schmidt discusses the complex nature of the present code and why it’s creating headaches for those trying to patch vulnerabilities. […]

Medical data has been an increasingly attractive target for hackers. This was demonstrated during last month’s Anthem data breach, when more than 75 million people had sensitive information exposed. Jeff Schmidt, founder at JAS Global Advisors, talks about why hackers have turned their attention to the healthcare sector. […]

Last month, health insurance provider Anthem admitted that over 78.8 million customer and employee records were compromised in a massive data breach. JAS Global Advisors founder Jeff Schmidt talked with Surojit Chatterjee about why health care providers have become targets of these attacks. […]

Due to their technical nature, online security threats can be difficult for most people to understand. Cyber security expert and JAS Global Advisors founder Jeff Schmidt sits down with Nicole Bogart of Global News to discuss tips on what Web users really need to be on the lookout for when it comes to online vulnerabilities. […]

At the Atlantic Council’s Cyber Risk Wednesday, The White House made clear its intention to enable stronger information-sharing between Washington and the tech industry. This comes on the heels of the discovery of several cyber threats and vulnerabilities. JAS Global Advisors founder and Atlantic Council member Jeff Schmidt talks about computer bugs and the public disclosure of computer vulnerabilities. […]

Jeff Schmidt, founder of JAS Global Advisors, offers his insight on the film Blackhat. The film follows a former hacker who is enlisted by two governments to uncover the source of several high-profile cyberattacks. Blackhat treads into the world of cybercrime, and Schmidt discusses the accuracy and realism of the story. […]

JAS Global Advisors founder Jeff Schmidt sat down with MakeUseOf’s Dann Albright to discuss the technical accuracy of Blackhat, Hollywood’s latest cyber-thriller. The film centers around a former hacker tasked with helping the American and Chinese governments identify the source of several cyberattacks around the world. Schmidt talks about what interested him in the movie, and what you can learn from it. […]

The JASBUG vulnerability has been called an “unprecedented” glitch in Microsoft’s system. JAS Global Advisors founder Jeff Schmidt discovered the issue and developed a patch during a year-long process. SiliconANGLE’s James Farrell offers insight into the virus, including how IT professionals can address the problem. […]

When the discovery of the JASBUG virus revealed that government files were vulnerable to third-party attacks, JAS Global Advisors founder Jeff Schmidt worked alongside Microsoft for a year to develop a patch. National cybersecurity teams have teamed up with White House Security advisors to implement Schmidt’s solution. Read more from Adam Mazmanian on how the White House is working to fix the vulnerability. […]

JASBUG, a Microsoft vulnerability that affected how computers access files in networks, was nearly 15 years old when it was discovered. JAS Global Advisors founder Jeff Schmidt worked with Microsoft for nearly a year to repair the glitch. CNN Money’s Jose Pagliery talks with Schmidt about the vulnerability and repair process. […]
JAS CEO and founder Jeff Schmidt participated in The Atlantic Council’s Cyber Risk Wednesday discussion on what it will take for better information security sharing between the public and private sectors, covering the recently released vulnerability JASBUG as a key example. […]

In this Ars Technica article, Dan Goodin breaks down how hackers use JASBUG to control users’ systems. Goodin also provides insight from JAS Global Advisors about the vulnerability and the patch process. […]

Brian Prince of Security Week shares advice from JAS Global Advisors, the cybersecurity team responsible for finding a critical system vulnerability that has the potential to affect millions of users. […]

Amidst the discovery of the JASBUG vulnerability, companies that use Active Directory are now responsible for implementing the necessary patches to remedy the problem. Search Security shares information from JAS Global Advisors. […]

Large-scale computer network vulnerabilities can often be difficult for its users to understand. In this article for New Zealand-based Next Web, Owen Williams describes in detail the effects of JASBUG, the vulnerability discovered nearly a year ago by JAS Global Advisors. […]

The Register reporter Iain Thomas comments on the network vulnerability found by security firm JAS Global Advisors, and the careful procedure JAS took to build a remedy that would be simple for system administrators to implement with their users. […]

Tech journalist Ed Bott provides insight from JAS Global Advisors founder Jeff Schmidt on a vulnerability bug discovered while Schmidt was conducting Internet research work. Schmidt discusses the year-long remediation cycle to fix the vulnerability. […]

Information security go-to Help Net Security breaks down what led to the security vulnerability JASBUG, and the steps taken by JAS Global Advisors to remedy the situation for Active Directory users. […]

In an article by Dark Matters, Anthony Freed discusses the core changes implemented to computer systems that were affected by JASBUG, a network vulnerability discovered by JAS Global Advisors. Freed talks further about what makes JASBUG different from other vulnerabilites. […]

When Jeff Schmidt, founder at JAS Global Advisors, uncovered the computer system vulnerability JASBUG, it was clear that the threat posed a critical security risk. MyCE dives deeper into the latest vulnerability to breach databases, noting its magnitude is bigger than Heartbleed and Shellshock. […]

While researching other potential technical issues on the Internet, the cybersecurity team at JAS Global Advisors uncovered a critical vulnerability that affected Active Directory users. The IT Wire discusses the first reports of JASBUG and JAS founder Jeff Schmidt’s role in resolving the vulnerability. […]

Senior reporter Danielle Walker dives further into the core components of resolving the JASBUG security vulnerability uncovered by cybersecurity experts at JAS Global Advisors. The SC Magazine article discusses the vulnerability in detail and identifies who is at risk. […]

Computer security resource Naked Security breaks down all of the need-to-know information about the JASBUG vulnerability discovered by JAS Global Advisors and its team of cybersecurity experts. […]

After the uncovering of the JASBUG vulnerability, the Symantec security response team lays out the repair process for system admininstrators that JAS Global Advisors founder, Jeff Schmidt, worked for a year to develop. […]

Military and financial institutions are known as some of the most secure in the country. After the JASBUG vulnerability left these firms exposed, JAS founder Jeff Schmidt worked for a year to develop a patch for the issue. Computer Weekly offers insight into the complex nature of this system probem. […]

Softpedia offers insight into the system vulnerability JASBUG, as discovered by cybersecurity experts at JAS Global Advisors. The article discusses the realization of the issue, and the patch process undertaken by JAS founder Jeff Schmidt. […]

International coverage of JASBUG,a network security vulnerability uncovered by JAS that impacts Windows operating systems, discusses the discovery of the issue and affected systems. […]

Forbes coverage of JASBUG, a new security vulnerability first discovered by JAS and impacting computers that use Active Directory, highlights the issues associated with fixing highly complex vulnerabilities.[…]

When news broke that Anthem was subject to a data breach impacting 80 million customers, The Wall Street Journal tapped JAS’s Jeff Schmidt for insights on why corporations are vulnerable and how they can mitigate risks. […]

Cyberattacks on a nuclear power plant and a global futures exchange are featured in the movie “Blackhat.” Are these threats viable in the real world? Absolutely, explains a JAS cybersecurity expert. […]

CircleID featured JAS founder Jeff Schmidt’s insights in this article on DNS name collisions. The article discusses a framework JAS has developed for dealing with the name collision problem. […]

When HeartBleed became public, Internet Retailer contacted JAS for insights on how hackers could use the OpenSSL vulnerability to steal credit card numbers and personal consumer data from e-commerce company servers. […]

When it comes to data breach notification requirements, security professionals must rely on a patchwork of state laws. That’s not ideal, says Jeff Schmidt, CEO of JAS Global Advisors, in this SC Magazine article. […]

CIO journalist Meridith Levinson interviewed Jeff Schmidt of JAS Advisors for her artice on the proliferation of mobile malware on Android and other smartphone operating systems. […]

Cybercriminals are increasingly using drive-by downloads to distribute malware. In this article, JAS discusses why this trend is accelerating and what corporate IT and security departments can do to mitigate the risks. […]

InformationWeek reporter Matthew Schwartz explored the motivations of hacktivists who released spy memos and agency server credentials. A JAS cybersecurity expert comments on the intent of the hackers. […]

Commenting on cybercrime attacks by the Anonymous hacker group, a JAS cybersecurity expert discusses the importance of keeping current with vendor patches in light of vulnerabilities in Perl, CRuby, Java, ASP.NET, PHP 5 and Google’s v8. […]

Forbes invited Jeff Schmidt, CEO of security consultancy JAS, to discuss best practices to avoid corporate security breaches. The article notes the importance of creating redundancies and redoubts to address technical and human vulnerabilities. […]

Humans are often the weak link in cybersecurity. In this CRN article, JAS security experts offer 5 tips that can effectively prevent major security breaches. […]

As Apple iOS market share has risen, the iOS platform’s allure as a cybercrime target has also grown. The cyberthreat experts at JAS Global Advisors explain the risks in this mobile security article. […]

Curt Finch of CIO Magazine interviewed JAS’ Jeff Schmidt on the topic of wireless offices and security vulnerabilities that arise from BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) employee access to corporate networks. […]

When FierceCIO’s Caron Carlson needed a Computer Fraud and Abuse Act expert to provide commentary on potential abuse of the law, she turned to JAS Global Advisors. […]

JAS cybersecurity experts featured in this article on smartphone/iOS security issues discuss the impact of a shift from corporate-controlled devices hosting corporate data to personal-owned devices hosting corporate data. […]

iPhone and iPad security are a hot topic. Cybersecurity experts at JAS Global Advisors assisted Network World’s Tom Kaneshige with this article on mobile device security challenges. […]

In an article about cyberattacks infiltrating the servers used to distribute the Linux operating system, journalist Jack Germain featured JAS Global Advisors’ cybersecurity experts. […]

Congress was considering a new cybercrime bill to improve the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Erin Fuchs of Law360 turned to JAS Global Advisors for expert perspective on the changes. […]

Zak Stambor of Internet Retailer spoke with cybersecurity experts at JAS about criminals stealing customer identities and financial data from retailers during the holiday season. […]